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Gas Volume Conversions

Gas Volume Conversions:

To convert air or other gas volumes from one pressure (P1) and temperature (T1) to another pressure (P2) and temperature (T1), use the following equation:

  V2 / V1 = ( Z 2 / Z 1 ) ( P1 / P2 ) ( T2 / T1 )

Z 1 and Z 2
V1 and V2
P1 and P2
T1 and T2

= gas compressibility factors (which are non-dimensional)
= gas volumes in the same dimensional units
= absolute pressures in the same dimensional units
= absolute temperatures in the same units (either degrees °R or degrees °K )

= absolute temperature in degrees Rankine = 459.67 + °F
= absolute temperature in degrees Kelvin    = 273.15 + °C
= degrees Fahrenheit = ( 1.8 ) ( °C ) + 32
= degrees Centigrade = ( °F - 32 ) / 1.8

For all practical purposes, degrees Centigrade and degrees Celsius are synonymous.   Also, in many cases, it may be assumed that the ideal gas law applies and thus Z may be taken to be 1.00.

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